Bags & Buntings, where artistry and craftsmanship converge to create beautiful handcrafted treasures. From useful bags and buntings for all occasions to hardwearing aprons, unique pin cushions, sewing kits, handmade cards and seasonal crafts. Ruth infuses love, creativity, and skill into every piece. Combining new and vintage fabrics, we offer a unique collection of handcrafted items that are not
only visually stunning but also practical and long-lasting
We can also offer personalise items to order in applique.
Bags & Buntings, where artistry and craftsmanship converge to create beautiful handcrafted treasures. From useful bags and buntings for all occasions to hardwearing aprons, unique pin cushions, sewing kits, handmade cards and seasonal crafts. Ruth infuses love, creativity, and skill into every piece. Combining new and vintage fabrics, we offer a unique collection of handcrafted items that are not
only visually stunning but also practical and long-lasting
We can also offer personalise items to order in applique.