The Christmas Calm and the Chaos Windows.
Every year, we like to have a theme for our Christmas windows. So we have entitled our windows, this year, the Christmas Calm & Chaos Windows which each tell their own stories.
During this time of year, people are busy shopping trying to buy a present with a meaning for their loved ones. Rushing between shops, avoiding busy streets of people, cars and delivery trucks bring new selections for them to buy. There are those who are working in factories, shops or even from home, like our Elves in their workshop who are busy making special things for gifts to fill the requests from Children, excited for the arrival of Santa Claus and the joy that he brings. This is the Christmas Chaos, that we all are used to.
Every year, we like to have a theme for our Christmas windows. So we have entitled our windows, this year, the Christmas Calm & Chaos Windows which each tell their own stories.
During this time of year, people are busy shopping trying to buy a present with a meaning for their loved ones. Rushing between shops, avoiding busy streets of people, cars and delivery trucks bring new selections for them to buy. There are those who are working in factories, shops or even from home, like our Elves in their workshop who are busy making special things for gifts to fill the requests from Children, excited for the arrival of Santa Claus and the joy that he brings. This is the Christmas Chaos, that we all are used to.
But through this all there are people missing and grieving for people that will not be able to be with them at Christmas, for a range of different reasons. They might be missing someone who is sick, working with the sick, deployed somewhere away from home or someone who has passed from this world.
Each year, someone loses someone. Someone who is special to us, someone who is not able to be at the Christmas Table and this year we are remembering those who won’t be with us.
Each year, someone loses someone. Someone who is special to us, someone who is not able to be at the Christmas Table and this year we are remembering those who won’t be with us.
From early Christian times, people have remembered those who haven’t been with us at Christmas, whether it was an extra table setting or an empty chair at the table. This year the window represents that one place that is empty at the Christmas table, that one space that is set for that missing person, who we miss all year round. Giving it the Calmness that loss leave us with
Remembering those who will not be with us at Christmas.
Remembering those who will not be with us at Christmas.